6 Common Marketing Problems and How to Beat Them

6 Common Marketing Problems and How to Beat Them

Feeling tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed with work chaos? Get the Winning at the Game of Marketing eBook and get control.

Marketing is like a real-life board game. You could get sent backward, move ahead or lose a turn at any moment. Often unpredictability and chaos abound, making work more a game of chance than strategy. While the project goals and individual tasks may change, the process stays the same—hold a kickoff meeting, develop a plan of attack, assign tasks, and set a completion date. Then, roll the dice and hope for the best.

There is a way to change the game. In this eBook, you will learn 6 key strategies to eliminate work chaos such as:

  1. Work requests coming in from every direction
  2. More work than there are hours in the day
  3. Lack of resources
  4. Don’t know who’s working on what
  5. Chasing down approvers
  6. Justifying the need for additional team members
Find out how to eliminate marketing work chaos and gain control of the board.

No more rolling the dice. It is now a game of chess, where creativity and strategic execution are the keys to winning.

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