Applications of Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and Convergence in the Next-Generation Data Center

Applications of Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and Convergence in the Next-Generation Data Center

This paper focuses on the architectural requirements for data center networks that support virtualization and cloud computing. The intended audience is architects and designers planning large-scale data center virtualization and a phased rollout of private cloud computing.

Such a plan starts with products and features that are production ready today but also have the potential for additional capabilities as the data center evolves.

The content is organized as follows:

  • An introduction to the concepts and design considerations associated with data center virtualization and cloud computing
  • High-level architecture models for deploying data center virtualization and private cloud computing
  • A discussion of network convergence in the data center, including the impact of convergence on the total cost of data center infrastructure
  • Recommended questions to ask and steps to take as you work toward your future data center
  • A review of important technologies used for deploying server virtualization and private cloud computing in the data center

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