Increasing Anesthesia Revenue Through Specialized Billing Services

Increasing Anesthesia Revenue Through Specialized Billing Services

Specialized billing services can increase collected revenue by 5-15%

Hospitals and health systems are facing more competition and belt- tightening than ever before. The financial impact of bundled Medicaid payments, the increasing costs of staff and supplies, and rising drug prices mean that hospitals need to maximize their revenue wherever it’s appropriate.

Hospitals that utilize a single service for all of their billing, rely on systems and expertise that have been optimized to maximize revenue across every department and specialty. That’s ok as far as it goes, but it means that they are not optimizing billing and collections for some specific specialties with outlier requirements – like anesthesiology.

What’s more, hospitals risk regulatory compliance problems and allegations of fraud when general coders try to handle the complex work of anesthesia billing without specialized software or anesthesia coding skills.

Download our eBook to learn how you can be sure you are meeting regulatory compliance and increase revenue within your anesthesiology department.

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