Meeting Customer Expectations: Configuring the Desired Sales Experience to Create Growth for Technology Distributors and Vendors

Meeting Customer Expectations: Configuring the Desired Sales Experience to Create Growth for Technology Distributors and Vendors

An optimized sales experience creates happy customers.

Most customers don’t see a significant difference between vendors’ products. Your sales experience is the differentiator between you and your competitors.

Modern consumers have high expectations. They want less interaction with salespeople and a speedy sales process. 65% of B2B sellers report that buyers would rather order online than interact with a representative.

This eBook, Meeting Customer Expectations: Configuring the Desired Sales Experience to Create Growth for Technology Distributors and Vendors, reviews how the sales experience can improve customer loyalty and distinguish your brand from other vendors. You’ll also learn:

  • Three key contributors to customer retention in the technology industry
  • What makes a sales process complex and how to simplify it
  • How to improve the sales experience
  • Why you can’t rely on brand reputation for business
Sales experience is the number one contributor to customer retention. Satisfy your customers with an efficient sales process that meets their demands.

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