Coaching Agreement Template

Coaching Agreement Template

This Coaching Agreement template enables a coach to quickly agree the parameters of a coaching program and ensures that all necessary areas are covered. It formalizes the relationship between the coach and coachee so that both individuals are aware of how to conduct themselves during the coaching process and can formally sign their agreement to it.

A coaching agreement sets out the ground rules and practical arrangements for coaching sessions between the coach and the coachee. These are mutually agreed between the parties and outline the responsibilities of both. A coaching agreement helps to establish a professional, ethical, and businesslike relationship from the outset. Sitting down together to work through it can open up conversations about expectations and commitment as well as formalizing any practical arrangements such as how often to meet.

It also gives the opportunity to talk about confidentiality, ethics and duty of care. If you are paid by an organization to work with an employee, it is good to be clear on these issues, in case there is any conflict between your responsibilities towards the coachee and the organization. In addition, if any concerns about health, safety or legality emerge, the coachee knows what they can expect from you. You can also take some time to look at what you and the coachee will do if either of you are not happy with how things are going.

You can also encourage the coachee to tell you what works and what doesn't for them and discuss boundaries and what is important to you both as individuals. You could also ask the coachee to add their own paragraph which describes what they want from the exercise.

In summary, a coaching agreement gives a strong start to the coaching process as it provides a solid foundation from which to work together.

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