Go Beyond The Buzzword: Infrastructure Automation

Go Beyond The Buzzword: Infrastructure Automation

A Softchoice guide to separating the buzz from the business value.

As a buzzword, the term couldn’t be more tantalizing. It suggests the end of all manual provisioning in the software-defined data center. It’s like your very own Siri or self-driving Tesla, but for spinning up, and configuring all your storage, server, compute and networking needs. To some veteran data center professionals, it all sounds like a job-stealing nightmare. Well, not exactly.

As you will see in this guide, infrastructure automation (IA) is a sophisticated, intelligent approach to managing modern data centers. It’s a strategy that can lead to significant returns, cost savings and efficiency. And it can help unlock your IT team’s true innovative and intellectual potential. But, like all technologies, real considerations must be made first, before deciding to leap in.

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