INSTAGRAMSTORIES - How and when to Use Stickers to Boost Engagement on Your Instagram Stories

How and when to Use Stickers to Boost Engagement on Your Instagram Stories

How and when to Use Stickers to Boost Engagement on Your Instagram Stories

You have learned how to create engaging content, using always your brand Aesthetics, and with funny animations and some #hashtags for attracting newcomers for your Instagram Stories! What about find creative ways to boost engagement?

Instagram Story Stickers is one of the best and most effective ways to boost engagement.   Stickers are fun, creative, and encourage your audience to take action from your posts:  Ask a question, share their opinion, participating in a quiz and so on!

What can you do with the stickers? Here are some definitions for you:

POLL - How and when to Use Stickers to Boost Engagement on Your Instagram Stories

Poll Sticker

The poll sticker is a great way to gain insights on your follower’s likes and dislikes.

Quiz Sticker

The quiz sticker can be used to educate your followers on your brand/product/service while boosting engagement on your stories posts!

GIF Sticker to Strengthen Your Call-To-Action

Including GIFs, in your Instagram Stories posts is a great way to prompt action on your Instagram Stories posts, without too much text on your design.

Question Sticker for humanizing your account

Question stickers are here for you to show to your audience that you care and there is a real person behind the brands’ account. You can ask for their opinion, their advice, their simple YES or NO, whatever helps you engage with your audience and learn them better.

COUNTDOWN - How and when to Use Stickers to Boost Engagement on Your Instagram Stories

Countdown Sticker to be connected with your followers until your exciting new launch or event

A great way to create noise around your upcoming event or launch is to use a Countdown Sticker. When your followers tap the countdown sticker, they’ll be ‘watching the countdown’, so when that time runs out, they’ll receive a notification to check back in with your post and feed!  Also, they can repost your countdown, to share it with their followers.

LOCATION - How and when to Use Stickers to Boost Engagement on Your Instagram Stories

Location Sticker to Reach Wider Audiences

A Location Sticker in your story makes it appealing in the public stories’ feed of that specific location (i.e. a club, a restaurant, a museum, etc.).  So newcomers or your account again, amongst all those searching for that location on Instagram.

It is the best sticker to boost an opening or an event or to promote a service.

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