How Branch Helped Airbnb Boost and Measure Growth on Mobile

How Branch Helped Airbnb Boost and Measure Growth on Mobile

Airbnb uses Branch links across web, email, social, and paid channels. By doing so, Airbnb was able to increase their app install rate by 19%. Learn more by downloading the case study.

When Airbnb approached Branch in early 2016, they knew their 1% conversion rate on mobile web needed to be improved, but ultimately, they knew that driving engagement to the mobile app would directly impact their conversions. After implementing Branch links across all of their marketing channels, they saw their app install rate increase by 19%.  In fact, Branch links can be found across Airbnb’s mobile website, in-app sharing, email, paid acquisition, social, and desktop Text-Me-The-App marketing channels, and have driven 3.5 million app downloads in 6 months.

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