How to create amazing custom videos to engage your audience

How to create amazing custom videos to enegage your audience Webinar Cover - How to create amazing custom videos to engage your audience
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About the Webinar

Video content has become very popular among marketers. Studies show that consumers remember 70% of content they both see and hear, and video is the perfect format to deliver memorable content to your target audience.

Custom videos designed for mobile and social news feeds increase your brand visibility and the amount of consumers who could become your customers. You can extend the reach of your custom videos by tapping into tools like Facebook's Audience Network, which is designed to help marketers meet key business objectives.

You'll Learn

  • The types of videos that best resonate with viewers
  • Why custom video content improves brand awareness and audience engagement
  • How to capture people's attention with video and increase social
  • Best practices and success stories


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