39 - How to Run a Successful Business Meeting

How to Run a Successful Business Meeting

How to Run a Successful Business Meeting

Business meetings enable clear communication and effective decision-making, which is essential for every company. Sometimes, meetings last longer than they should, and then it is hard to keep the interest of the attendees. In case you are wondering how you will manage to run a successful business meeting, where you will get the results that you are wishing for and you will keep the interest of the attendees, here are some useful tips in order to make it happen.


Define the meeting goal and objectives


The tone and direction of the discussion will be defined by a clear aim. The meeting’s objective should be clear and quantifiable. If you want your participants to brainstorm, a prepared list of ideas by themselves would be a great idea.


Face to face meeting is not always essential


Meetings may be cost-effective. To determine the exact cost, multiply each person’s hourly salary by the duration of the gathering. Skip the meeting entirely if your goal can be accomplished by e-mail, conference call, or even a fast one-on-one conversation.


Time limit is important for every meeting


Attendees lose patience and concentration when meetings go on for hours. Time is important, and attention spans are short. Meetings that are most effective begin and end on time.


Stick to the meeting’s agenda


The agenda serves as a guideline—a framework—to keep everyone on track and the meeting flowing smoothly. It should be limited to one page and should only cover the important points of discussion.


38 - How to Run a Successful Business Meeting 

Set a strategically good date and time for the meeting


Monday mornings should be avoided, if you want the meeting participants to be fully concentrated, as in that time everyone is catching up on e-mail and the week’s schedule. It is recommended to avoid also Friday afternoons when people are finishing up the week and anticipating the weekend. Meetings should be held on a day and time when participants are most likely to participate. 


Every meeting should end with a clear conclusion


Reiterate any decisions, timelines, and any needed follow-up action after the meeting. The most important thing is for everyone to know exactly what is expected of them. And don’t forget! Any follow-up meetings should be scheduled quickly.

Follow these tips and arrange the planning, preparation, execution, and follow-up of the meeting, if you want to get the results you wish for, while at the same time keep the interest of the participants.

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