paperpicks11oct03 - The S.M.A.R.T Framework Explained

The S.M.A.R.T Framework Explained

The S.M.A.R.T Framework Explained


Sometimes you don’t have to be the hardest working person in order to achieve something, but instead you have to be the smartest working person in order to find a solution. This applies to companies as well and it is the mindset growing enterprises should embrace if they want to overtake their competitors. In other words and to put it in a more formal manner, there is a technique that helps you work smarter by simply analysing deeper. This framework is called the S.M.A.R.T Framework, and it is used when companies and individuals want to explore how to create, develop and achieve their goals. So how is the S.M.A.R.T Framework explained?


Firstly and most importantly your goals must be specific. Once you have set clear and specific goals you will be able to focus on what actually matters and move towards the direction you want. Keep in mind that when setting your goals you should be able to answer questions such as What do I want to accomplish? Why is this goal important? Who is involved in accomplishing this goal? Where is this goal located? Which resources or limits are involved? These general questions help you note down all details your goals should have such as opportunities and threats  and all necessary precautions that should be made.


Although setting specific goals is a quite important progress in the S.M.A.R.T Framework, these goals must also be measurable. Measurable goals help you track progress, focus on results and stay motivated to accomplish them and also help you feel responsible, and excited the closer you get to achieving them.  Keep in mind that in order to set a measurable goal you should address questions such as How much? How many? And how will I know the goal is achieved?


It is also very important for your goals to be realistic. When you are about to set goals you must know if what you want to achieve is feasible. This doesn’t mean that your goals should be limited and that you should try to set low standards being afraid that you might fail, but it does mean that you can’t have your head over the roof and that you should stay grounded and focused on setting goals that will push your limits but still remain possible. Questions that can help you set an achievable goal are ones like How can I accomplish this goal? How realistic is this goal based on various factors such as financial planning? etc 

paperpicks11oct04 - The S.M.A.R.T Framework Explained


In this step you must make sure your goals have a meaning and that they also align and don’t contradict with your other goals. Achieving a goal is important but setting up the right goals is essential, therefore you must be very careful when setting your goals, after all your top goal always will be the well being end expansion of your enterprise. In order to set relevant goals try to answer questions such as Is it worthwhile? Is this the right time? Does this match our efforts & needs?


Every goal needs a due date. Deadlines help teams focus on something to work toward and achieve it more effectively. This step helps prevent other tasks from taking priority. A good time-bound goal should answer questions like When should this goal be achieved? What has to be done Today? What has to be done in one Month? When are my milestones due? etc

The S.M.A.R.T Framework is a powerful tool because it can help you set the right goals but the best thing about it is that it can also help you achieve those goals. This simple but intelligent methodology builds your mindset step by step and helps you understand the problem, the stakeholders, all involved parties and the ways to solve it and this is why it is amazing.

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