The Power of the Newsletter (or E-newsletter)

The Power of the Newsletter (or E-newsletter)

A newsletter can be a great direct marketing tool for promoting your product or service.

When you think of direct marketing promotions, a newsletter probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. A lot of words (and money) are spent on brand, but few companies put out newsletters today. However, a newsletter can be a great direct marketing tool for promoting your product or service. It allows you to define your image, boost your business and maybe even do some selling. By combining a little public relations, reputation building and selling, newsletters provide useful information. And, information is the key word here. 

Creative consultant Don Hauptman explains, “As has been observed more than once, we live in an Age of Information. In this world, there exists a species we call ‘information seekers.’ These people need specialized data …” A good promotional newsletter offers mostly valuable, worthwhile information to its readers. Depending on which newsletter specialist you talk to, he’ll advise you that anywhere from one-tenth to one-third of it may be geared toward promotion.

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