Tools of Titans Book Summary

Tools of Titans Book Summary

Tools of Titans is a fantastic read and there really is something for everyone in this book.

Broken up into three sections; healthy, wealthy and wise, author Tim Ferriss deconstructs the habits, routines and daily rituals of the world’s top performers. This book is essentially a combination of all the tips, tools and tricks he learnt from over 200 of his podcast guests.

This book is so full of information it’s impossible to summarise it completely. This summary has taken a collection of highlights from each of the 3 sections (healthy, wealthy & wise) and will discuss a couple of top tips. Within the healthy section, we’ll discuss exercise, the slow-carb diet, mobility and morning rituals. The wealthy section will cover being busy, saying yes and saying no, the ‘what if’ mindset, startups, and investments. Finally, the wise section will cover happiness, perfectionism, dealing with haters, and some important questions you should be asking.

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