12 Ways Sysdig Makes Prometheus Monitoring Enterprise Ready

10 1 - 12 Ways Sysdig Makes Prometheus Monitoring Enterprise Ready

Prometheus is a popular open source monitoring tool for early experimentation with cloud-native architectures, but enterprises running cloud-native applications in production require a more scalable, secure, feature-rich monitoring solution.

This meaty white paper explains the twelve ways that Sysdig, the cloud-native intelligence company, extends the capabilities of Prometheus for enterprise users.

  1. For metric collection, supports metric formats, query languages, visualization.
  2. Correlates metrics across distributed microservices, along with metrics from docker, kubernetes, etc. for custom events and alerting.
  3. Does collecting and auto-tagging of JMX and Statsd metrics without needing other exporters
  4. Plus by adding Sysdig you get dynamic topology mapping and event alerting. You can trigger system call captures from alerts for deep troubleshooting and forensics.
  5. And a whole lot more!
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