PCI Compliance & Security in a Franchise Model

PCI Compliance & Security in a Franchise Model

This white paper explores the dangers posed by non-compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements in a franchise environment, and how data security is extremely important throughout the franchise network for maintaining customer trust and loyalty, and protecting the brand image.

If there’s a transaction that involves a credit or debit card, there’s a transaction that involves a risk. Franchise systems that allow access by multiple users are under the risk of being hacked for malicious or competitive purposes. With the proliferation of free hacking tools and cheap electronic devices, any company connected to the Internet is being scanned and is under constant danger of being attacked for its sensitive data. Therefore, every company needs to guard its systems against unauthorized access. This holds true for any business of any size, especially if it is a franchise network where the points of attack are much more than a single office, store or outlet.

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