Accelerating Digital Transformation with Modern Integration

Screen Shot 2018 11 15 at 9.06.43 PM - Accelerating Digital Transformation with Modern Integration

Today's technology advances at a fast rate. Attempting to adopt modern architectures can uncover a knowledge gap with developers, who might be unfamiliar with new architecture patterns and frameworks. This includes adopting cloud-native architectures to help with greater efficiency and cost benefits.

TIBCO's integration solutions helps enable you to create an environment that simplifies the building of cloud-native applications, with support for modern architectures, such as microservices, event-driven APIs, serverless, and edge deployment.

Download this solution brief to see how you can help accelerate your development on AWS cloud by:

  • Helping reduce your costs with modern application microservices and functions
  • Seamlessly migrating your integration workloads to Amazon Elastic Container Service using out-of-the-box migration
  • Connecting your cloud, on-premises, and edge data sources, regardless of data formats


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