Avoid Getting More Than You Bargained for In M&A Deals

Avoid getting more than you bargained for in MA deal - Avoid Getting More Than You Bargained for In M&A Deals

Sales tax automation can be an asset in post-merger integration

More markets to conquer more products to sell. That’s what business leaders hope to gain from mergers and acquisitions, according to Deloitte s latest MSA trends report. The majority of companies surveyed (76 percent) asserted that MSA factors prominently in their 2019 growth plans, and about a third of those said their expansion plans include foreign markets. Among midsized companies, a desire to diversify is driving MSA. with cross-sector and cross-industry buys making up a third of deal activity in 2018. according to PwC.

As appealing as they sound. MSA transactions can be tricky. What happens after the deal doses can be as important as what led up to it — maybe more so. The importance of a well-thought-out integration strategy can’t be stressed enough. Take stock of your technology: Are the platforms, systems, and software solutions you have now adequate or are critical changes needed to fully take advantage of growth opportunities? This includes a tax compliance solution that can scale with your business as it grows.

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