Azure demo and live Q&A

Screenshot 2 - Azure demo and live Q&A

Learn how to get started with Azure and get your questions answered by an Azure technical expert

Get an overview of the portal and popular services

Start by watching an expert-led demo to quickly familiarise yourself with Azure services and begin to see how you'll realise your goals for the cloud.

Learn how to use Azure to create and manage resources, including:

  • Building a virtual machine.
  • Creating a web app.
  • Deploying an SQL database.
  • Customising your DevOps dashboard.

Join a live Q&A session with an Azure technical expert

After you've watched the demo, join a live Q&A session. Get your questions answered by an Azure technical expert – in a live chat – and hear answers to FAQs about Azure products and services.

Microsoft Logo 300x144 - Azure demo and live Q&A


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