Buyer’s Guide for AWS Reserved Instances

Buyer's Guide for AWS Reserved Instances

This guide covers a variety of factors that must be considered to accurately budget and forecast cloud costs to fully reap the benefits of AWS Reserved Instances.

Most organizations can and should benefit from the convenience and cost savings of computing and data storage capabilities offered by the cloud. Many gain these benefits by running their computing workloads on the Amazon EC2 service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

To meet the many different needs and use cases of its customers, AWS offers several ways to purchase compute capacity for its EC2 instances. Reserved Instances (RIs), specifically, present a tremendous opportunity to save significantly on capacity. However, a variety of factors must be considered to accurately budget and forecast cloud costs to fully reap the benefits of AWS Reserved Instances.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • How AWS structures, packages, and sells RIs. 
  • What to consider when purchasing RIs, 
  • Why you must manage RIs to make good on the cost-savings they offer, 
  • Effective workflow for managing your RIs, and
  • How CloudCheckr provides insights, tools, and automation for optimizing RI investments.

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