Contact Tracing with Mist

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HW logo stacked 135x65 002 1 - Contact Tracing with Mist

Mist has been integrating location in their APs since the very first one they released. They are able to leverage BLE in order to provide location with a very good accuracy. They are also able to leverage Wi-Fi to provide location. However, location using Wi-Fi is usually not as accurate.

In this episode, we have approached several topics related to contact tracing:

  • Concept of zones and occupancy (ability to know when too many people are present in a specific are)
  • How can we leverage contact tracing in the current context (people going back to work after COVID lockdown)
  • Proximity tracing
  • Journey mapping (ability to go back and know who was in contact with an infected person)
  • Technologies used to perform location tracing (BLE, Wi-Fi)
  • Privacy


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