How 6 of the world’s largest companies are using Kubernetes and Sysdig.

3 2 - How 6 of the world's largest companies are using Kubernetes and Sysdig.

What are some of the largest companies in the world are doing with Docker, Kubernetes, Sysdig Monitor and Sysdig Secure? Read about the most common uses cases and the business impact.

1. Microservices on Kubernetes: One of the World's Largest Cable Companies
2. Containers as a Service Platform: Global Telecom Equipment Maker.
3. Application Migration to Kubernetes: Financial Media Company.
4. Moving to the Cloud: A Top 3 Media Company.
5. Digital Transformation: A Top 5 Global Economy.
6. Securing Kubernetes: A Top Solar Leasing Provider

Sysdig Logo 200x120 - How 6 of the world's largest companies are using Kubernetes and Sysdig.


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