How Imperva DDoS Protects at Scale

2 7 - How Imperva DDoS Protects at Scale

Other anti-DDoS vendors have smaller networks, fewer PoPs, and only a handful of DDoS scrubbing centers. Plus, they offer mitigation that is not automatic and is slow to respond, and often comes with either a limited mitigation SLA against only known attacks or no time-to-mitigation SLA at all. In this paper, you’ll learn how Imperva customers benefit from a software-defined network all the time, not just during DDoS attacks. They get the benefits of content caching and dynamic content acceleration in Imperva’s CDN for widespread, positive performance improvement. With PoPs strategically located to meet user demands, a broad peering footprint, and an entire network tuned for 3-second DDoS mitigation – guaranteed, Imperva customers experience high-quality connections. This translates into an even better experience for your end users and increased conversion rates.

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