Human Resources Management Plan Template

Human Resources Management Plan Template

This template enables you to develop a human resources (HR) management plan for a project. This is a complex area and often has conflicting needs within it. For example, wanting to complete the project in the shortest time practical but needing to allow time to develop team members to enable them to perform the role assigned them.

This plan outlines the individual team roles and responsibilities for the project as defined by the project manager. It describes how the personnel involved in this project will be selected, managed, assessed and developed to ensure the team has all the skills and expertise required for its success.

The purpose of the HR plan is to describe how members of the project team will be managed, assessed and 'rewarded' for their participation in the project. For individuals the rewards should be on two levels:

  • 1. Firstly, organizational – receiving recognition in their annual appraisal for the contribution to the project.
  • 2. Secondly, personally – with the development of their skills and competencies.

Establishing firm and clear ground rules is vital to any project and its importance increases when managing a project over multiple sites. It may be tempting to delegate the management of the project team and focus on the technical aspects of a project, but your personal success is dependent on getting the best out of those in your team and that will only be achieved with effective people management.

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