Identity-Driven Marketing: Best Practices for Marketing Continuity

Identity-Driven Marketing: Best Practices for Marketing Continuity

The growing complexity of the digital landscape and unwieldy cross-device and cross-channel customer journeys it produces cannot be understated. But it can be demystified through identity-driven marketing strategies that enable targeted, contextual, consistent and personalized interactions that drive conversion.

The typical customer journey isn’t nearly as linear and straightforward as marketers would like it to be, and anticipating a fragmented path to purchase is practically a given in modern marketing. When your customers rely on multiple devices and countless media to find and engage with you, it’s critical that you’re using the identity data you have to maximize the value they derive from each interaction. Explore how to better use data you’re already collecting across your systems and platforms, and learn why identity-driven marketing drives more meaningful customer relationships through targeted, consistent, contextual and personalized experiences.

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