Isolation: A Part of the Modern Security Architecture

Picture2 - Isolation: A Part of the Modern Security Architecture

Security architectures have evolved over the years as the threat landscape has changed, and isolation could improve your security posture more than any other technology available today.  Isolation has the potential to do more for your security than AI, threat intelligence or pen testing.

There is no shortage of traditional security solutions that guide organizations on how to secure their networks and data.  From waiting around for patient zero to emerge before blocking access, to stripping the user experience, these security solutions are either not feasible for deployment, or sacrifice convenience and the user experience.

Download this white paper to learn how Isolation is a must for modern security. bridges the gap between deployment feasibility without sacrificing user experience. Learn how web browsers really work, why Isolation is on the rise, and why Gartner believes it is the most secure approach to eliminating threats today.

Download this white paper to learn how:

  • The key elements critical to modern security architectures
  • Isolation protects organizations from web and email attacks
  • Isolation is deployed in the real world through a case study of a large insurance company
Picture1 300x128 - Isolation: A Part of the Modern Security Architecture


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