J. Jill Realized Operational Efficiencies by Adding Workday Payroll to Workday HCM

2 6 300x120 - J. Jill Realized Operational Efficiencies by Adding Workday Payroll to Workday HCM
cq5dam.lg .1440.1112 - J. Jill Realized Operational Efficiencies by Adding Workday Payroll to Workday HCM

Check out this infostudy to learn how J. Jill – retailer with over 4,000 employees across 42 states – gained efficiency, scalability, robust reporting capabilities, and enriched their user experience and satisfaction by adding Workday Payroll to Workday HCM. You’ll also see how they cut their payroll cycle time and achieved other benefits and results from consolidating systems onto the Workday platform.


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