Keeping It Lit: Goodbye to Contact Center Burnout

Keeping It Lit: Goodbye to Contact Center Burnout

ICMI Contact Center Expo 2023

Is your contact center a revolving door? Are you having trouble keeping agents satisfied and enticing workers to grow within your company? Like most contact centers, you're probably dealing with high worker turnover and an endless hiring cycle trying to keep up with demand. This session will discuss why studies have shown that 74% of contact centers experience bur-out and provide you with tools to motivate, incentivize, create strong work and team cultures, and grow the personal development of your agents. You will walk away with concrete ideas to minimize burnout, reduce expensive and exhausting hiring cycles, and prepare agents for the leadership roles you need for the future of a successful company.
In this session, you'll learn:

How to set achievable employee expectations, create opportunities for two-way feedback, and manage people not just numbers

  • How to create strong teams to improve workplace culture including fun and unique ideas to challenge your team to excel and participate in culture building events
  • How to develop programs to incentivize staff in ways that will help them reduce stress, feel acknowledged and recognized for their good work, and get motivated to grow within your company

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