Load Balancing Microservices Based Applications

Load Balancing Microservices Based Applications

Improve Application Delivery Control with Microservices

Applications have evolved from client-server to SOA based to microservices based architectures found in most modern web apps. This has severe implications on how applications are created, scaled, secured and managed. Unfortunately, Application Delivery Controller (ADC aka load balancer) solutions in the industry today have not kept up. An application that needed 1 service now requires 10 or more different services. Unless the modern day ADC is “microservices aware” and has the right hooks (via API’s, automation and orchestration frameworks) to provision, configure and manage each microservice , IT teams will struggle to keep up with the lifecycle management of applications in this new world of service explosion. This paper describes how the application architectures have evolved and how Avi Networks CADP’s distributed microservices can dramatically reduce the operational impact due to microservices based application architectures. 

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