“Retail Workshop: How to Build an AI Recommendations Engine to Drive Stronger Personalization”

Screenshot 3 - "Retail Workshop: How to Build an AI Recommendations Engine to Drive Stronger Personalization"

Consumers face an unprecedented number of options for where to buy products or services. Companies that understand how to personalize the omnichannel experience and deliver relevant recommendations will stand out and earn the greatest brand loyalty.

In this virtual workshop, you'll learn:

  • How the most successful consumer brands are using data and AI to deliver personalization at scale
  • How other analytics — customer segmentation, propensity modeling and customer lifetime value — can be used to amplify your marketing ROI in personalization
  • How the Databricks Unified Data Analytics Platform for Genomics makes it simple to deploy Spark-based bioinformatics tools in the cloud, rapidly accelerate common genomic analyses and take advantage of machine learning techniques
  • Retail and Manufacturing Technical Director, Bryan Smith, will discuss the different recommendation options explored, and share how to build targeted recommendations using Databricks
Screenshot 4 - "Retail Workshop: How to Build an AI Recommendations Engine to Drive Stronger Personalization"


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