The product manager’s guide to customer-centered growth

Screen Shot 2017 04 08 at 12.26.56 AM - The product manager’s guide to customer-centered growth

Most products don’t fail today because their teams can’t write enough code. They fail because they can’t acquire and retain enough users.

And that’s why so many people are looking for the one tactic, secret, or hack that will skyrocket their growth curve. But we believe that focusing on specific tactics is the wrong approach.

In this eBook, we’ll make the case that, instead, you should focus on implementing a rigorous process of experimentation. And that the key to driving sustainable growth is using customer insights to discover the unique combination of tactics that will work for your product.

The material we’ll discuss is best suited for PMs working on products that have already found product/market t and have a good handle on retention. You need to have built a ‘must have’ experience that customers love before you transition into the growth phase.

Ideally, you already have a substantial amount of traffic, you’re ready to scale, and you want to make sure you do it right—by putting the user at the center of the process because that’s what pays off in the long run.

To download the free whitepaper, please fill the form below.

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