The Total Economic Impact of Marketo Engage

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Business Benefits And Cost Savings Enabled By Marketo Engage

Forrester Consulting conducted a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of Marketo Engage on their organizations. To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed six customers with experience using Marketo Engage. This summary is based on a full TEI study, which can be downloaded here. Quantified benefits. The following risk-adjusted quantified benefits are representative of those experienced by the companies interviewed:›Increased customer engagement, $4.5 million benefit. The interviewed customers used audience segmentation and personalization tools to develop more-effective marketing campaigns and increase customer engagement. ›Improved lead conversion, $9.3 million benefit. Through revenue attribution and other means, Marketo Engage helped the companies understand what content and channels to emphasize at each stage of the customer journey.›Enhanced marketing team productivity by 25%. With Marketo Engage, the marketing teams spent less time on manual tasks.›Avoided marketing support costs, $1.2 million benefit. The interviewed companies were able to bring vendor services in house, saving outsource fees.

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