When, Why and How To Create A Secure Backup Strategy: 6 Steps to Success

When, Why and How To Create A Secure Backup Strategy: 6 Steps to Success

In this whitepaper, see why securing your backups is so critical, discover real-life examples of successful backup attacks, and get a list of practical backup security tips .

Cyberattackers realize that attacks on backups are the biggest determining factor to show if the victim will pay the ransom.

The fact that so many victims choose to pay the ransom gives rise to serious concerns about the market’s backup security maturity.

In this whitepaper, see why securing your backups is so critical, discover real-life examples of successful backup attacks, and get a list of practical backup security tips.

6 Steps For Success:

  1. Assign higher priority to the security of storage and backup
  2. Improve collaboration between Infosec and IT infrastructure teams
  3. Define security baselines for storage and backup
  4. Automate to reduce exposure to risk, and allow more agility in adapting to changing priorities
  5. Apply stricter controls and more testing of storage & backup security, and your ability to recover from a ransomware attack
  6. Include all aspects of storage and backup management, including often-overlooked key components

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