Screenshot 2020 10 30 English Lastpass Work Securely from Anywhere pdf - WORK SECURELY FROM ANYWHERE
1200px LogMeIn logo.svg  1 - WORK SECURELY FROM ANYWHERE

Organizations have rapidly shifted their businesses to operate remotely, and the benefits of doing so are significant. However, with remote work also comes risks.

In the work from anywhere era, it's critical organizations develop an identity and access management (IAM) strategy that authenticates and authorizes every employee so that they gain access to the business resources they need to stay productive.

By determining an IAM strategy that secures the business no matter where employees are working from, organizations can ensure only the employees gain the right access to the right resources at the right time, while IT maintains complete visibility and control over every login – no matter where the team is working.

  • The challenges of securing a remote workforce
  • Building your remote work IAM strategy
  • Ensuring security for the new normal


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