How to Write Book Summaries

How to Write Book Summaries

If you read books to learn (instead of merely for pleasure), then this is for you. If you want to deeply understand a book’s subject, this is for you. If you want to teach a book’s concept to somebody else, then this is definitely for you. Finally, if you love my summaries and you’re just curious about my process, then go ahead. This guide will be useful for you as well.

This guide’s aim is to teach you how to read better, identify the book’s core messages & philosophy, and extract actionable lessons to apply to your life and career today. This way, each book will not be merely another ‘inspirational TED Talk made of paper’, but an agent of real, practical change.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of creating book summaries, how to organize your time to do so, how to read with a goal, how to format & create the actual summary, and how to identify the high concept & actionable steps of the book (aka ‘a summary of the book summary’).

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