Should Your SEO Be In-House or Outsourced?

Should Your SEO Be In-House or Outsourced?

Companies of all sizes who are looking to amplify their SEO strategy often find themselves asking: can we do this ourselves, or do we need to hire an agency? The criteria for deciding which path to take often comes down to a vague notion of cost comparison and the amount of effort it takes to set the strategy in motion. To get it right the first-time, businesses need to examine their goals for an SEO strategy and thoroughly understand the components of a dedicated SEO team.

At Inseev, we often hear people saying things like, “We’re trying to decide if we should hire someone in-house, outsource it to an agency or just buy some technology that would enable our existing team to handle it”.

Often times this skips the holistic view of what an SEO strategy—and the team needed to support it—looks like in most business contexts. Too frequently companies completely miss the boat on setting up the right SEO resources simply because they start with misguided information on what skill sets and individuals are needed to be successful.  

This white paper will outline the key skill sets needed on an SEO team, and describe scenarios for in-house SEO, outsourced SEO, and some hybrid solutions to help businesses determine which approach makes the most sense for them.  

Ultimately, of course, an SEO strategy needs to help a business meet their revenue goals. To do this, SEO must work both on its own and with other channels to contribute to the larger business marketing funnel, understanding the target audience and creating and optimizing the site to reach them. This requires a specialized and laser-focused team of subject matter experts to ensure that all active parts of an SEO strategy are actively contributing to revenue, and not just one guy or gal who has expertise in how search engines work. 

For mid-market and enterprise brands, the key to maximizing ROI is identifying the highest impact opportunities fast, and then executing on beneficial actions efficiently. Effectiveness is not necessarily equivalent to lowest absolute cost, so it’s important for companies to be able to assess the efficacy of their investment. 

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